I think i know where is the problem...
PHP Code:
<installcode><![CDATA[$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `forum` ADD `MTS_TC_ExForums` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");]]></installcode>
<uninstallcode><![CDATA[$vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `forum` DROP MTS_TC_ExForums");]]></uninstallcode>
I don't know a lot of about php and mysql (less than the basic knowledge), but i think that this is executen an SQL to the table "forum"... but in my case, i use a prefix... like for example "vforum"... so this is the problem? or has nothing to do with that?
Sorry for my english.
EDIT: Yes, i tested editing the code in the .xml and work perfect, but now another problem.... i want this feature only in some forums... is something really hard to exclude ALL the forum except little forums :/ would be better if you add something to exclude all the forum... or maybe tell me what i have to edit to do set all the forum excludes by default.