Originally Posted by GeorgeB85
I was making the comment for all members who might like to download the mod and use it on their forum in a full working version. If you have one version here, and the other version located solely on your forum alone, and that one works slighty better than the one here, that that is NOT a fully working mod.
However, view it however you wish. I was just getting a point across. I learn more and more each day that goes by when it comes to technical stuff. Some I am still learning, and others I have mastered for years now.
It is your mod and you are welcome to do with it what you wish. I simply won't register at a forum that I may or may not ever use again. All together, my information is probably on well over 50+ forums for a variety of things, and the sad part is, I don't even visit but just a slight few. That is all our point.
I have used and still use some of your other mods since they do work all together.
Whenever you decide if at all to upload it here, then I will use this one as well, since it was quite useful, and helped to avoid "lurkers" not turning into members.
So now you are users representative?

You should speak for yourself and let the other users speak for their own selves.
Anyway, this discussion is getting a bit annoying, no offence meant. The thing is very simple, if you want to download the mod, you know where to do so. If you don''t then don''t. What can I say? But let us not discuss about this anymore.