I am working on new lite for you guys. I am mid way through updating it. Need about 1-2 more days to finish it off. I am gone for the next couple of days for labor day and anniversary with the lady. So I will be back wed. I am releasing two new mods on that day so depending on how busy things get I should be done with lite by monday if all goes well. The new update will fix all the issues as well as be vb4 compatible. Have no fear I code so no matter what version vB your on just ftp files and upload XML. The software will do the rest

Just as an FYI PRO does not share one line of code with LITE. LITE sole purpose is to earn you enough money to get PRO. I quickly put together LITE software for you guys on my free time.
I am sorry for delays, lack of updates, and support for LITE but PRO comes first. I have to satisfy PRO customers and bring them more and more features.
With that all said stay tuned for update. Yes hound me on messenger if you don't see it by next monday. Not this one