useing CPANEL in your server:
most mods have some of the same folders as the files for VB, not all, but files like admin, admincp, images, so on so forth, the idea in most cases are to add files and not over write the orginal files, this places any new files in with the ones that are already there, without deleteing anything. if the same file exists it will be overwritten by the new file, so once you have copyed your new files over the old ones your set, you will have all the files from the vb and now the new ones for the mods are in there also.
lets say your forum structure is public_html/forums you would normally open the uploaded file and find the file named upload, you then select all files and move all the new files from public_html/forums/upload to public_html/forums, and then your ready to go to admincp/plugins & products/manage products, and select [Add/ImportProduct] at the bottem of the page , you will then upload the product XML , if its an upgrade you would also select yes in Allow Overwrite
If you wish to upgrade a product, you must set this to yes. now your mod should be installed and you can now moderate it