Originally Posted by o0mohammed0o
It depends on the content of this thread  .
example If you attach youtube video on the thread.
you are the author of the thread but you don't have copyrights for this video.
This is not real copyrights in all cases. but in all cases you will get more visitors from this product  .
thanks for your replay
The product take the thread title and the link and the author in the same thread.
like this
Orignal thread: MTS - Copyrights of thread, Author: o0mohammed0o, Site: vBulletin.org
it's simple . if you are using RSS feeds this information will be copied to the destination site with your forum link and you will get visitors from it  .
I advice you to redownload the product because I edited the mod.
You can only have copyright on creative work that you wrote or made your self, a youtube in a post is only copyright protected if its your own movie that you made.