Originally Posted by Ninos
By the way, on category view the thumbnails are meant to be 3 per row right?
Cause I only got 2 per row and it's not like I got a small layout either, should be enough room to find them and not overflow onto the next line.
If so, I'll PM someone my URL to look at it, if not I'd appreciate someone telling me how to list 3 per row.
Sorry for all the requests btw.
This mod is setup by DEFAULT for forums with a width of 990 pixels. Unfortunately, the people who designed the styles of VB4 are retarded. They set the doc_margin setting to 35 pixels for left and right, so that no matter what, your browser throws out 70 pixels of width which could be used more constructively... Which means if you have your resolution set to 1024x768, you only have about 932 pixels of width for your website (1024-70-22(scroll bar)=932).
If you use a DYNAMIC WIDTH setting on your browser, I recommend you change this dumb default setting to something more sensible... like 5 instead of 35... If you use a FIXED WIDTH (I use 990), you should set these settings to "auto" instead of 35.