Originally Posted by
If you have yes selected for "Store CSS Stylesheets as Files" in the acp videos won't show up (you will still have sound and title though).
This origins in the way the youtube.css is called by the plugin.
Simply put: It uses the css.php to include the youtube.css. If you have the store css option checked the css.php won't be called and therefore the style definitions set in the youtube.css aren't included, hence the video doesn't show.
The fix we used is to import the youtube.css in the additional.css using this line
@import url("{vb:raw vbcsspath}youtube.css");
(has to be in the first line!)
as a side effect you can deactive the "Youtube css start" plugin which won't be used anymore if you use that fix.
P.S.: thanks for the youtube in profile plugin, our members love it =)
where do i check this??
Thank you thats all sorted and the videos work A1 again!