Hi Guys. Found the following issues with WP 3.0.1 and VB 4.0.5:
- If Auto-integration is on, and a user logs into WP admin without registering on WP itself (i.e. uses VB username), he is able to create an article, but if I edit it ... it is not possible to set his name as the author again. Also, if I do create a username for him in wordpress, and I use the Yoast Google Analytics plugin, then when I set a custom author as a variable, it shows as blank ... but only when the auto-integration is enabled.
-If I disable the auto-integration but leave the module on to creates threads for each article, then I am unable to add media to articles for some reason. I either have to disable the module or enable auto-integration to add media.
Just a heads up, I know this module is no longer supported.