Originally Posted by borbole
Talking about being selfish, if you check my post history here you will see that from 34 mods, I uploaded only one to my forum. And 90% of my posts are in the support forums helping other users with their issues. That is how selfish I am.
On the other hand, if we check your post history, it is the other way around. 90% of your posts are how I can do this, that or how can I get this and that. You want everything handed to you ready so you don''t have to do anything yourslef. And when it comes that you need to register somewhere to get something for YOURSELF, then you start to complain and moan. So who is selfish now?
Anyway, bye and have a nice day yourself too.
That is because I didn't create none of those mods. So obviously if I have an issue, or looking for an option that the mod is supposed to have, and I cannot find it any where, or I upload the files, and get an error, then obviously I would ask for help. 8 times out of 10 the developer/creator of the mod has experienced the issue, or someone else has and told the creator about the issue and how they fixed it/
Asking questions is the only way to find anything out. Plus, a lot of it, I figure out on my own, and after doing all the resources, I cannot get a solution, then I ask for help.
You have had me and atleast 1 other member in this forum ask you to kindly upload it to vb.org so we can download and use the new update part of the mod, and you simply refused and basically said you don't feel like doing it twice. That is being selfish.
If I created a mod and put it on here, then came up with a update, and said go to xyz.com to download the update, you would say the same thing we all did...what is the point on registering at any site to download 1 file, and then never go back to it again?
You can call me selfish all you like, but I am not the one who created a mod, then came up with an update, put it on my site, and then flat out tell people, either download it from my site now, or be stuck with a mod that works great against non registered members trying to view content, but sucks when it comes to spiders/crawlers that help get your site on search engines. That is selfish.