Would it be possible to add the following?
* Ability to change the SHOWN! username (original login still exists)
Use bb-code and smilies. System charges a predefined amount of money PER bb-code and another amount per smiley.
* same as above for the title
for both: Admin can deny the usage of specific colors and fontsizes.
* Buy the usage of special smilies
Users can "buy" the usage of special smilies on a per use base.
So a user buys the "Blafoo"-Smiley 5 times, he can use it 5 times.
If a user quotes the text with the smiley only the code for the smiley is there, because he can't use it.
(I am aware that users could use the image-code but we got mostly fair users

* Buy posting backgrounds
Predefined backgrounds for posts of the user or for another amount (mostly higher) a self taken (but being checked by an admin) background image / color which is always charged even if it gets denied.
* timed Items
Being able to gift virtual items to other users that vanish after a preset amount of time
(Like you give someone a virtual kiss (and no I won't use that xD just a simple example))
This Item is visible in the profile and under the signature.
There are two sizes each 32*32 and 16*16pixel. 16*16 for the signature and 32*32 for the profile
* BB-Code usage for Threadtitles
Users can use BB-Code in threadtitles (Admin can deny the usage of specific codes/colors/font-sizes) on a per thread-base. So if he buys 3x he can use the bb-code in the title for three threads. Threads where he doesn't use them, won't count.
If you can do this I will definitly use the donation button :>