Originally Posted by flyerndiver
Damn. I misread it too and now I can't uninstall them both because the uninstaller stops at the two DROP calls. Could you tell me what the attributes need to be so that I can recreate these two columns?
Thanks; great mod! I hope it will one day support blogs and CMS.
edit: nevermind, I edited the uninstall code and now only have the lightweight style options running. Thanks again!
Here is how I fixed the issue with double installation.
With both products installed you only have to work with the old product moboptions40.
Download the old product
Open the product in an HTML editor and find the uninstall code
<uninstallcode><![CDATA[$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."post` DROP `mobile`");
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."thread` DROP `mobile`");
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."post` DROP `ua`");
$db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."thread` DROP `ua`");]]></uninstallcode>
Replace the uninstall code with
Now import the moboptions40 product again
allowing over wright. This will install the product without the conflicting un-install code.
Now un-install the old product moboptions40.
The new Lightweight product should now work correctly.