Well, I've checked and tried everything - still no scores are saved.
arcade directory has correct permissions.
I have verified that the edit has been done to index.php - still no scores are saved.
I tried to add the code to content.php and forum.php (just in case) - still no scores are saved.
Backed out all edits and just did the index.php file again - still no scores are saved.
Uninstalled the product (and lost all games and settings) then re-installed and re-did edits - still no scores are saved.
Uninstalled product, deleted all the files and made sure the tables were removed from the database, then re-installed - still no scores are saved.
I'm not a complete noob to this stuff, but I'm not an expert either. I can dig into code if someone points my nose in the right direction.
There's something going on here beyond the edit to the index.php.