Originally Posted by MonkYZ
I strongly advice you not to use this on 3.8.5. I've had over 648 members in "Awaiting Email Confirmation Group". Installed this hack and runned it from Scheduled Task manager. It instantly deleted 636 members... no questions asked ! So, DO NOT USE IT ! It's not working ok !
Holy public embarassment, Monk!
Did you not read the description of the add-on? Or look at the options?
1. Emails users after 3 days and reminds them to activate their accounts.
2. Emails users after 5 days and lets them know their account will be deleted if they do not activate.
3. Emails users after 8 days with a final warning.
4. Deletes un-activated members after 10 days.
1. Just what did you EXPECT to happen when you installed it?
2. Why on earth are you upset that 648 registrants who were still unactivated after 10 days (or in some cases probably much longer) are now deleted from your database? You now have a much smaller database uncluttered by useless records.