Thank you very much
mike and I mean very very very much for your reply ..
It was
exactly what I was looking for .!
followed your directions
step-by-step but I
couldn't get it to work .. At first, I thought that the problem is in my
test forum, but when I tested
Lynne's trick on the link you provided me with
(Moving Facebook Connect out of the header template and into the navbar template) ... It worked like charm .. I also tried
preregistering other
variables based on both
Lynne's directions and
yours and I
succeed in it, but every time I come back to
preregistering the
notifications_menubits variable I
fail in it .!
I appreciate your help
Mr. Miller and I'm
100% sure that your directions are
correct .. But as I can see the problem is not with the way to
preregister the
variable as
Lynne have told me on my
thread on, there gotta be something
else to do in this particular case .!
Thanks again for your help
Mr. Miller ..
I'll try speaking to
Lynne seeking for
help with this
issue; because I don't want to
bother you and to
waste your
time with me on such things .!
Best Regards,