Originally Posted by Lynne
The forum table lists forums. Period. ALL of those are listed in your Forum Manager. They are ALL forums. Some may then be identified as Categories. That option is stored in forum.options. It's bitfield is called "cancontainthreads" and the value is 4 (so, 0 if No, 4 if true). See the forumoptions bitfields defined in bitfield_vbulletin.xml. There is one forum set to contain article comments and that is set in $vbulletin->options['vbcmsforumid'], so it's a variable.
Thank you! Exactly what I needed to know!
So, if "cancontainthreads" is false(0) - then it is the comment forum? Or, would it be best to just exclude $vbulletin->options['vbcmsforumid'] in the query "and forumid <> " . $vbulletin->options['vbcmsforumid'] ? Or would I exclude all forums that can't contain threads (in case someone has created another forum that is something like a category)?