I created a new BB code.
Title: Float Image Right
BB Code Tag Name: IMGR
Replacement: <div style="float: right">

Example: IMGR
Then just put that around your text. Here is an exmaple:
[IMGR]http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVt8mZT_xExJe36FqQnvx378RBzDdJJasxuiet79K9ypBqGYE&t=1&usg=__f94_zllSYD8GYjYy0oG7TEygBKs=[/IMGR]If you are a fan of Microsoft OneNote, you should check out John Guin's blog on MSDN.
John posts frequently about add-ins, updates and improvements to the OneNote software. A worthwhile read if you are using OneNote regularly.
And a
link to the article.
Works the same for LEFT. :-)