Need FCK or TinyMC Editor instead of VB's Wyswig
how is it possible to integrate (with usergruoup restrictions if possible) another Editor to VB 4.0.6, or at least for VBCMPS ?
I am not the only one who searches for such a Hack like this - for years !!!!
It would be great for VB to enhance their Software with such great Editor -Tools like FCKEditor or TinyMCEditor
As MKPortal has shot its doors, I had to switch to VBCMPS ...which is compared to MK's tools very weak.
VBCPS now could close this need now with integrating a proper Editor, where we can espacially ad and configurate tables.
At least this is a good suggestion for VB 5 !!!
So please can somenon tell me how I can Integrate such an Tool to my current VB 4.0.6 ?