Originally Posted by Snookieboy
DUDE, I love you (in a totally non-man love way), gee thanks so much!!! 
Don't worry about it, life is too short even if you are into man-love. I am into spam-hate so at least we have something in common
Originally Posted by Snookieboy
I tested it, and it worked!! And even better, I noticed you used a phrase so it was easy for me to edit the default text to:
Originally Posted by Snookieboy
Again, thank you so much.... Please share your donation goal so I can at least assist in some way 
Just put the GlowHost name out, order hosting, join our $125 per sale affiliate program, or just tell your friends about this mod.
Anything you can do is great, Thanks.
BTW - Version 2 is the works now, We are running it on our forums and it is schweeeeeeeet!
Originally Posted by digicom
Installed version 1.2.4 on vBulletin 3.8.6 P1 and working great
Much apprciated :up:
Great, thanks for the 411.
Not many people are reporting about earlier versions so that is great news.

If there are any other reports, please tell!