Originally Posted by AliceHoward
Firstly, thank you for your kind comment.
The default data input during install is a real horror of a problem if you choose not to run it, I have asked for support in installing the default data 'after' installing the vbulletin core but got nowhere. It is a serious problem as many heavily customised styles such as these just will not work properly without the data being there, I cannot fathom why to be honest. It is a real nuisance that there is as yet no way of installing the default data post core install, I wish I could provide you all with a solution to this problem but until vbulletin provides us with a method to install the default data post core install I am at a loss. 
Hmm well that's bummer lol. I'll try installing in a dev directory and have example data installed and see if that fixes my menu problem. I'll report back when I get the results.