You are full of opinions and as I said before, I can do without them. I explained what I needed... I don't think anyone needs too much info for a pop up window for a chat box.
I asked politely for help with a pop up window and I added some code I have written. I am sorry if that is unclear to you. Still, you should keep your opinions to yourself if you are not responding to my question. If you looked at my "random css" you would have easily figured out what I was looking for but honestly at this point I don't really care.. As for my attitude--obviously your only goal here is to piss me off, what other reason could you even have for posting in this thread if you have no positive input?
To make things clearer--
VB has a tab bar--I want to create a pop up window for flashchat--I want the window to log in users when opened--currently when ever I create a window it makes users who are already logged into the site, log into the chat again.. I would like them to be logged in..
What pictures are needed?? The navbar is standard in VB4 so why do you need a link?
I posted code for the window along with code for the pop up link--I really figured by looking at the code and at what I typed it would be pretty clear as to what I wanted..