Originally Posted by unknown22
I installed 2 mods and they both created name tabs servers and roster
Format Name tabs on site.
Forum, What's New, Roster, Servers
But when i click on roster it switches positions with servers Only seems to be with roster people been telling me so i decided to ask.
The problem is that both mods are using the same Execution Order for the tab. I guess they have a default order when on the forums and then when you go to the page for the particular mod, it takes precedence. So, what you need to do is go into the plugins and change the Execution Order for one of them. The "ShowRoster Tab for Navbar" is the name of the plugin for this mod. If you want the roster mod first, then change it to 4, otherwise change it to 6 or something larger.
Most mods use 5 as the default, so you may encounter that problem again. Now you know how to fix it. I'll change this to another number once I figure out how to set the execution order within the mod code.