Originally Posted by RowenWindsong
Good evening Alice, I don't know if this is a style problem or if this is how it should look as the screen shot never showed the "Home" location on the CMS. Below is a screen shot of the Home section of the CMS, on the left is the menu. My question is, is this menu suppose to stretch 2/3 of the way across the screen and squish the article column to the right?
If not how would I fix this? If it is suppose to be like that is there any way to get the menu to stretch not so far to the right, like only go as wide as the section name so the nav menu's right hand boarder will hug the last letter of the longest section name?
Thanks in advance for your help and for creating such an awesome theme. :up:
Edit: Forgot to add, running 2.0.6 VB Suite as well as the 2.0.6 version of your theme.
I have had a few people ask me about this sort of thing in the past, I have always told them the same thing, your CMS is either un-published or you have no content in it. I don't know what they have done or if they got their CMS to display right as no-one has ever bothered to be polite enough to come back and let me know how they got on.
As an additional note, this style has been temporarily discontinued on my site as it needs a full over-haul, the last update from vbulletin broke this style in more places than I new. When the newly re-devoloped version is available I will release a version of it here.