Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
It's definitely a judgement call on your part. Personally I have concluded the extra traffic generated by having Tapatalk users who otherwise probably would not be browsing my site at all is better then the alternative of fewer users and less traffic overall. As long as the vast majority of the traffic continues to be via computer, so what? I know I have more users using ad-block in their browser then Tapatalk users and not much can be done about them.
The way I look at it is if a Tapatalk user makes a thread that 20 people view, that's probably 15 more ad impressions overall then I would have had if I didn't support Tapatalk.
All good points. thanks. I have been monitoring the usage and it is my better posters that are using it so you might be right about it. Actually, it may give them longer access since they can post when they are away from work.