Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
It's going to be difficult, if not impossible, to truly admin a forum without file access... all the brainstorming in the world would be useless if it's 2 lines of code changed in forumdisplay.php or the like... If it's not a product and not a template edit then everything points to a file edit. If it really was a setting I would bet someone would have chimed in by now on where to find it.
I can get the owner of the site to check the files; however, I don't presently have access to them at this point in time (owner runs the website full time, therefore he maintains FTP/server access, leaving me to run the community side with access to everything backend except the files). I'll check with him and see if there's an extra snippet of code or change lingering in one of the files and get him to revert things if he finds it...
Thanks again, I do sincerely appreciate the help!