That is not "Randon cfss".. It is just an html file for a pop up window? Did you actually look at it?
Also, I believe nobody is answering because nobody knows how. I think I explained it well. I want to create a pop up window for flashchat. The code that I am using for the window is posted above but when I use it, members are not logged into the chat...
In addition I have been unable to come up with a decent pop up tab....
No need to post a link--This is the same navbar and tab that is in every VB site without a heavily customized skin..
I think if you read the entire post you would known the code posted was not random css and you also would have known I am trying to create a pop up window using the tab says it right in the title--'Pop up window in Tabs Bar"
Thanks for you comment and opinion...I could have done without it..