Thanks for converting the article to a vB4 version. It's very helpful for those of us offering some custom-built pages.
If you do not mind, I do have a question about tables, though. I've used the approach a lot where I offer a custom page to pull some custom data from the database. Typically, this means I connect to the db, pull out data, and then build one huge HTML string with tables to represent the data.
I have looked, but not managed to find a definite article on how to achieve the same but consistent with the vB4 coding standards. I have tried looking at the CSS classes used in the vB4 pages, but I have to admit that is kind of over my head (I will admit I did not spend THAT much time on it, considering I still am trying to solve lots of issues left over after the migration).
As a simple example, I used to use alt1 and alt2. I can wrap one of those div class="restore"> around the table definition, but were I to totally rewrite my pages so they also match with the vB4 styles I use, how would I go at that, exactly? And where would I be able to find the restore class in the new stylevar setup, so I could actually alter the (for instance) alt1 and alt2 tags?
Sorry if you feel I am hijacking your thread. I just have not found a way to actually solicit for an article or guide, and custom pages is where I imagine lots of people will be using tables.
Thanks in advance, and I apologize for what might appear as an thread hijack.