Originally Posted by toonysnn
I'm sorry, I forgot to include the instructions for autoconnect.
In order to enable autoconnect, go to your forum/irc.php and use mibbit to join your channel(s) and log into nickserv, become a operator of the channel, and type /autoconnect on
After that, it should automatically allow all users that use it to autoconnect to the channel.
Also, as far as becoming an operator, it has always worked fine for me. There are sometimes restrictions set by the server owner(s) as far as hostmasks, for security. If you use /oper, I mean. If not, ignore what I just said about all that. 
thank you for the answer. Well there are no restrictions to get oper at the IRC server. I also don't have problems before with pirc only now with mibbit I get this problems.
I also don't see a error message and that makes it really hard to see what's going wrong.
The command /autoconnect on don't work I only see the connect button when I go to the irc.php.
To show what I mean here a screenshot:
So I think I must get a other solution, because so real fun with IRC don't come up.