I have found a bug. I also have point market & vbactivity installed, and award mod as well.
So since the display order of the like/thanks came first, everything else after that would not go into the post properly, causing a very distorted postbit. I disabled one mod at a time in postbit to find out what was causing it, and it was the like/thanks that was doing it.
To fix this problem, I edited the like/thanks in plug in and products to make it display order from 5 to 100, making sure it was the last modification on my post. I could not see this glitch, it worked fine for me. However, all my members were looking at this crazy display for a couple of days before they mentioned it to me. It has nothing to do with admin priveledges, because I logged out as guest and regular member and it was still fine from my view.
Don't know what it was, but this is what my members were seeing. Nothing was going over to the right? In two pictures because it would not all fit in one print screen.
I thought it had something to do with the boxes in the other mods, but even something small like a user title or mood was being thrown to the far left or middle of postbit once I removed the mods with boxes, like this:
But this is what it should have looked like, and was how I saw it from my computer.
Just thought I would let you know about this