Originally Posted by NathanLedet
I'm on a Mac and this is what the font-color drop down list looks like (Chrome 4.0 and Safari 5.0)
Attachment 120607
It works OK on FireFox.
Someone on a Windows machine said the drop down list looks good on Chrome. Not sure what's happening here 
What do you mean by not working properly ?
Do you mean that you see the color names as shown on your screenshot and that the dropdown doesn't show color lines as it does on some windows machine ?
If so, it's normal, Safari and Chrome doesn't support the background-color css style for select option. There is nothing I could do about this unless I recode dropdown list and so on as it's done by vB for their dropdown list (but I don't have the time to do so sorry).
Originally Posted by furst
ive installed this and all i get is a white page now for my forum, any suggestions? when i disable the product my forum is up and running again.
Any Ideas???
im using vbulletin v4.0.4
Have you applied the bug corrections stated in the first post ? (link near the reported bugs)
Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider
People on my forum are experiencing a bugged scroll bar issue where it won't fully scroll down when refreshing a page for example. Any idea what's going on?
Please be more explicit.
Originally Posted by BlueAce913
it doesn't load the icons in chatbox.
What do you mean by "Upload the content of the Images in each of your forum styles directories" ?? i am using the default style in vb4.0 where is this folder?
You have to upload the mgc_cb_evo image folder in the misc directory of each of your style.
Originally Posted by GreJan
Any more than any channel images are shown, although I believe I have loaded in the correct directories.

Please post a screenshot of what you input in the channel image option and also a screenshot of the content of your channels images directory.