14 - Market Item >> Threads >> Color Threads
I am confused of this market item.
First, the buy page says enter thread ID. There is no place to enter the thread ID, just to select the color.
Second, when I buy it, it colors some threads and not some others. It doesnt seem to matter if I started a thread, posted in someone elses, ever viewed a thread, or never posted in it at all. And the color shows up just as randomly when I am not logged in either.
So I just dont know exactly what this item does I guess.
And so I disabled this feature, but the new colors just dont go away now. I am doing the Maintenance for threads, but this feature never seems to stop and hasnt cleared anything up yet.
At first view, I thought that this thread would change the color of thread titles for threads I started or posted in, which would be good I think.
Maybe I just need it explained to me lol.