Database error in vBulletin 4.0.1:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO searchcore_text (searchcoreid, keywordtext)
VALUES ( 4118, 'Hall of Fame Game
Cowboys beat Bengals 16-7\n\n\nNot much of a game.\n\nCANTON, Ohio (AP)?With Emmitt Smith and Jerry Rice in the house one night after going into the hall, an offensive show seemed in order.\n Neither the Dallas Cowboys nor the Cincinnati Bengals got the message Sunday.\n The NFL offensive icons who entered the Pro Football Hall of Fame on Saturday couldn?t have been comfortable with the action at Fawcett Stadium on Sunday night, when Dallas beat Cincinnati 16-7 to open the preseason.\n \n\n
More' )
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE searchcoreid = VALUES(searchcoreid), keywordtext = VALUES(keywordtext);
MySQL Error : Incorrect key file for table './raven_supremesports1db/searchcore_text.MYI'; try to repair it
Error Number : 126
Request Date : Tuesday, August 17th 2010 @ 10:22:21 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, August 17th 2010 @ 10:22:21 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : raven
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.48
What do I do?
--------------- Added [DATE]1282059903[/DATE] at [TIME]1282059903[/TIME] ---------------
I am trying to do the Repair/Optimize Table restore. Not working either.