Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
VB3 has been out for many years, VB4 has been out for a good year too... yet in all this time with all the demand only this 1 guy has ever managed to come up with a mod where forum users can play games against each other- first in the Casino with Texas Hold 'em ans now with multiple games with this mod... I don't understand why? It can't be all that difficult can it? Seems like someone who is actually around to support it could clean up with a better supported similar mod, you have people paying $45 to a guy who isn't even around - imagine what you could bring in if you charged $20-$25 and actually supported it.
completely agree,I got the gameroom pro version when it came out and at first suppport was good,bugfixes and new games fairly often,then it just went dead,if anyone could take this over and continue with bugfixes and new games and features it would be amazing.
Even if some other coders could find a way to add games it would really bring this thing back to life.
As it is now its still not a bad mod to have on site,me and many users have had a lot of great games that brought a lot of members closer and added some good activity on times we would schedule games,for now we just deal with the minor bugs and prey for an update