Reminder, you should have now (or be in the process of) upgraded your site(s) to
v4.0.003 of this hack.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Beginning on Tuesday 17th August 2010, Tweeter started slowly shutting down its Basic Authentication API service. This means that the rate limits on basic authentication API requests will be reduced by 15 calls/hour/day ending at 8am PDT on Tuesday 31st August 2010, at which point all sites that make basic authentication API requests will be served with a
HTTP 401 error message. So, what it means to you and your site(s), is that if you don't do anything (ie you don't upgrade your site(s) to use use the OAuth version of the hack - v4.0.003 and above), you will recieve more frequent rate limit error messages as you approach 8am PDT on August 31st, and then all you will be getting is
HTTP 401 error messages from then on and absolutely no tweets via v4.0.001 or v4.0.002 of this hack. See this announcement (countdown timer) by Twitter - for more information.