Not sure if you are looking for a list of people that changed their admincp and modcp directory names, but I am one. If I am not mistaken, I think it was suggested in the installation instructions for VB, so I did it. Renaming them to the original names is probably an easy process....I am guessing just editing the lines in the config file??
On a different note, I installed the newest version of this mod last night on my 4.05 VB Forum and it fixed the problem when a user went to post a new thread and got an error. This morning I received a bunch of emails telling me of vb database errors, Here is some info and I am guessing it has something to do with this mod since it was listed in a few of the errors and all the errors have to do with addmember. I have not received these errors for the past few hours, so I am not sure if this was isolated to just this morning.
Invalid SQL:
INSERT HIGH_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO glowhostspamomatic_remotecache(`date`, `data`, `is_spambot`, `field`) VALUES (now(), "hfmjgs382", "0", "username");;
Followed by:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), "2010-08-16 06:00:03") AS DAYS;
Invalid SQL:
INSERT HIGH_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO glowhostspamomatic_remotecache(`date`, `data`, `is_spambot`, `field`) VALUES (now(), "xmjbry", "0", "username");;
Followed by:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT DATEDIFF(NOW(), "2010-08-13 22:15:58") AS DAYS;
Invalid SQL:
INSERT HIGH_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO glowhostspamomatic_remotecache(`date`, `data`, `is_spambot`, `field`) VALUES (now(), "", "0", "email");;
Invalid SQL:
INSERT HIGH_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO glowhostspamomatic_remotecache(`date`, `data`, `is_spambot`, `field`) VALUES (now(), "", "0", "email");;
Invalid SQL:
INSERT HIGH_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO glowhostspamomatic_remotecache(`date`, `data`, `is_spambot`, `field`) VALUES (now(), "csuboh", "0", "username");;
I am not trying to sharpshoot this mod, I think it is great and an asset to us and our members. I just don't know if others may be receiving this error and wanted to bring it to your attention.