I too seem to be missing the title of the hack in the vBulletin Options list. I have a blank line in the drop down options right below all the other cyb ones!
Thanks for yet another great mod Cyb!
Any idea why this is?
BTW is there a way of putting the start time in as well as the date:
I started at 0945 on the 8th August 2003 and yet I only have 07,08,2003 in the field - is there a syntax to use 09,45,07,08,2003 or something to put the time in accurately - and does the date format entry follow the format defined below it? or is the entry always mmddyyyy or ddmmyyyy; I hope this makes sense...
basically I don't know if I want it to be 07,08,2003 or 08,07,2003 - but I have date format set as per my region ddmmyyyy.
Cheers again for such great work Cyber!