I was wondering if anyone could help me out with why the level hack works fine for members already registered, but wit members that have just registered and made a potst the text for each stat is messed up, it is saying
Level: 1.#QNAN
Member ID: 26
Activity: 1.#QNAN / 1.#QNAN
Popularity: 1.#QNAN / 1.#QNAN
Experience: 1.#QNAN%
I love this hack, I just wish I could get this bug worked out.
I still haven't gotten this to work, I thought I did because it works when I view the board from my machine, but when anyone else views it or if I view it from one of the other two machines it doesn't work either. I even tried it from a non-hacked install of 2.2.1 and still got the same output. Hopefully someone can help me with this.