Originally Posted by djbaxter
You can still do that if all you want to do is display banners in specific locations, and you don't need this mod or any other to do that: Just use the ad templates or hard code it.
But if you want to use rotating banners (did you notice that part in the title?), you'll need this mod or something like it. It works and it works well.
Yes I did notice the rotating banners part. This is the mod I was referencing.
Yes, it was for 3.8, but it shows how simple it was compared to this one. Does this one need to be so complicated because it is on 4.0.x? I don't know, i'm not a VB guru.
I'm still trying to find a system that lets you insert a banner in the header. Of all the banner locations, this is the most effective yet the developers of any system I have came across for vb4 seem to have overlooked it which seems bizarre to me, deliberate?
The coder of that mod aint been around since 2009, I wonder if there's anyone that could pick up his mod and run with it to make it compatible with v4.