Originally Posted by Veer
Somebody tell me what is the definition of "Compare" < = > in achievements conditions? I'm just confused. 
< means less than, > means more than, and = means equal to
so "Posts > 100" means if the user has more than 100
Originally Posted by Veer
"If condition not met anymore, User can lose this Achievement". Yes
I set this option in 50 Post Achievement, 100 Post Achievement, 250 Post Achievement, 500 Post Achievement, 1000 Post Achievement. If I have 1000 Posts then why I'm having all above Achievements from 50 to 1000 ??? It means the option "If condition not met anymore, User can lose this Achievement" is not working.
If a user complete 1000 posts then he just get 1000 Post Achievement not the all.
How can I do that?
you just need to set the right conditions for the achievement,for example
you need to set 2 conditions for the 50 post achievement
"posts > 50"
"posts < 100"
this way only someone with numbers greater than 50 posts and less than 100 posts will receive the 50 achievement and it will disappear when they reach the next achievement.
that's how we use it on my forum