Originally Posted by zurrie
1. Could you explain what is "header/header include" ?
2. is there anyway to put automativ trailing slash on your mod?
nice mode btw, thanks for sharing.
The "header" or "header include" templates, accessible by Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> (Your Style) -> All Style Options... These will be the first two boxes you see. The code is probably in the second one, "header include."
When you say automatic trailing slash, do you mean to the URL sent to Twitter? I suppose it could be done if you use the canonical link tag I mentioned and typed a "/" at the end.
Originally Posted by zelnik
I guess Showthread has changed in 4.0.6 as your edits do not work.
I've tried it above and below where you have said to enter it and do not get the desired affect.
Also on your site if you click on the number next to the tweet it finds nothing on Twitter, however I checked on DP and theirs works ok?
See attachment for location problems.
Honestly I don't have Facebook integration installed on mine so that might be what is causing the problem... however zurrie reported changing the div height to 50 seemed to fix this problem.