Originally Posted by Dark_Wizard
You need to either upload icons in the folder or set the options correctly to point to the folder, please re-read the instructions as it is clearly written. Thx.
Hi Dark Wizard...... you are right, the error in the admincp causing those error commands was due to not adding the lock.png to the folder.
I still wonder how I can get an image for a forum area on the homepage though as per:
I have a structure where I have a forum as a category and then a list of sub forum categories within there. It's letting me assign an image for that sub forum category that doesn't act as a forum but then has forums within that sub category. Those images are not showing but the actual forums underneath are. Any way to allow for images to show for sub forum categories? If I click to show the top level category only then I see the images but not if I want to see on the forum homepage