Originally Posted by Phalynx
Right now my boards exists since few years and your modification has just appeared. In the long timeframe there were many spam account. Some I deleted manually, some not. there are around 350 accounts which are suspected to be spam accounts. Deleting them manually would require much efforts. vBulletin does not offer automatic deletion of them.
Automatically scan and delete/ban accounts would be a real help with this. There are not only boards out there with over 5000 accounts. Just the effort to manually check them is huge.
I still don't see the point of it. How often do you see a 3 year old suspected bot resurface and start posting spam? Never I guess. You might as well keep those users and make your forums look like they have more members than they do.
I am not saying it isn't possible that your request will make it into this mod, but it is unlikely anytime soon.