Originally Posted by kingharrison
I had this mod working correctly in 4.02, but I recently upgaded to 4.05 and no matter what I try I cannot get it work. I tried to find a trouble shooting section, but your website seems down.
Originally Posted by Videx
Since the only info you gave us is that you just recently updated from 402 to 405, I would guess you either moved or deleted your ads. RBS itself works fine in 405 here; no changes required after updating.
Originally Posted by asus78
i updated to vb 4.0.6 but the ads in the blog sidebar just disappeared.
Anybody else having this issue?
Been searching forever but cant find any changes in the template?
I have had this happen with vBulletin upgrades. Here's the solution that worked for me:
Go into your
Admin CP | Rotating Banners | Manage Banners and click on each ad (or at least each one that is not displaying) to display the code and settings. Then just scroll or page down and click
Save (you do not actually have to edit or change anything - just resave). This reactivates that banner.