TMM-TT, you are my HERO.
I'm simply looking to archive some mailing lists, and thanks to your efforts, I was able to get this going (so far) with a minimum of bashing-head-on-desk.
I haven't given it an extensive testing yet, but I did notice a couple of issues (vb4).
1. If "show similar threads" (or whatever the option name in vb is) is turned on, gateway.php gronks. Apparently, the function being called to find that list (fetch_similar_threads()) doesn't exist in vb4.
2. There's a couple of TABLE_PREFIX's missing, in the query that starts on line 342.
Other than that, so far, so good. #2 was an easy fix, but I don't know about #1. I'd really like that feature, but can live without it if need be.
Thanks again!