Latest version of Age Lock has now been attached,
Its recommended you uninstall all previous versions and upgrade to v3.5
+ Added support for CMS (Blog locking is there but not usable (99.9% sure blog locking is prob. pointless, since all users would be able to age restrict posts))
+ Enable/Disable Guest Viewing of age locked forums
+ Moved Age Lock core from outdated hook (global_start) to new (global_bootstrap_init_start)
+ Removed defunct Error message
+ Added abillity to re-enable Date of Birth Editing for all users
+ Fixed Bug where Date of birth editing is still disabled for users who are exempt from Age Lock
+ Reworded Default Age Lock Messages
+ Added support for multi-level forum locking using parent lock state (instead of parent-->forum, now parent-->forum-->subforum-->..)
+ Removed over zelus agelock checking (No more queries to get lock state)
Support is limited but i will try to answer as many as possible.