Originally Posted by Front Range 4x4
Yes, I tested it on the default style and it's fine. As I said I know it's something I eliminated in my custom style and was wondering if you could tell me what it needs to find. I tried the tags for the custom pages with limited success.
open "product-everywhere_sidebar_1.3.3.xml" in any text editor
you will see different type of hooks for each different forum page
look for the variable $sidebarext_search this what the mod will use its value to search and replace
for example here is the forumdisplay hook
PHP Code:
<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
<phpcode><![CDATA[if ($bbandSBactive and $vbulletin->options['esidebar_forumdisplay']){
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_block.php');
$show_sidebar = false;
$blockmanager = vB_BlockManager::create($vbulletin);
$sidebar = $blockmanager->getSidebarHTML();
if ($sidebar)
$show_sidebar = true;
if (function_exists(rebuild_sidebar))$sidebar=rebuild_sidebar($blockmanager,$sidebar);
$templater = vB_Template::create('sidebarext_temp');
$templater->register('sidebar', $sidebar);$templater->register('show_sidebar', $show_sidebar);
$sidebarext_add = "' . \$template_hook['sidebarext_temp'] . '";
$sidebarext_search = '/\' \. \$footer \. \'/';
$sidebarext_replace = $sidebarext_add . "' . \$footer . '";
$FORUMDISPLAYSIDEBAR = preg_replace($sidebarext_search, $sidebarext_replace, $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMDISPLAY']);
$sidebarext_search = '<div id="pagetitle" class="pagetitle">';
$sidebarext_add ='<div id="content_container"><div id="content">';
if($vbulletin->options['sidebarposition']==0)$sidebarext_add ='<div id="content_container" class="contentright"><div id="content">';
$sidebarext_replace = $sidebarext_add . $sidebarext_search;
$FORUMDISPLAYSIDEBAR = str_replace($sidebarext_search, $sidebarext_replace, $FORUMDISPLAYSIDEBAR);
$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMDISPLAY'] = $FORUMDISPLAYSIDEBAR;
First the $sidebarext_search variable is equal to $footer this should be ok
as I don't think you will remove that
Then it is set to
PHP Code:
<div id="pagetitle" class="pagetitle">
so if removed or changed this you should adjust the $sidebarext_search to look for the new value