Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
Just tell them to upgrade and they won't get the message. 
Well, they would if they could, except they are on LAN based systems centrally controlled, so they are subject to the vagaries of their corporate polices and administrators.
Good software development adapts to the user, not expecting the user to adapt to it ..
Anyway, one reminder gets the point across and let's the user make his own decision as to what he wants to do from there on. There's no need to continually beat him up with it ...
The built-in vBulletin 4 Notice System is well designed for that and let's a user control notices, being able to set them as "dismissed" or not. It's too bad one of their option checks doesn't let the Admin focus on just IE6 users and earlier, as the best place to handle this kind of notice would have been under that universal system.
Thanks ..