Originally Posted by CharlieDelta
Hi Dave,
Have you had a chance to look at this?
I wasn't around yesterday due to it being my parents anniversary. I'll try get it fixed for you today
Originally Posted by RobbieZ
It looks like another mod is conflicting with it.
Let me weed it out
*EDIT - Its ragarcia87 MOTW mod - One of the calls is to a websites API - this probably conflicts it. Users of that mod need to downgrade.
Ahh, I'll take a look at that mod later and see if there is anything I can do to prevent the bug.
Originally Posted by Octavius.
Add-Ons: Where is the upload folder on URLjet servers?
I would love to install this. My host server is URLJet. They installed VB4.05 Publishing Suite for me.
Where is the 'upload' folder on my server that I put the product-dbtech_status.xml file in?
The upload folder refers to the folder your forum is in. It is the one with admincp, includes, images, etc. Just upload the files and folders in the upload folder to their. You then need to import the file in the XML folder in your adminCP (Product Manager section).
Originally Posted by fevredsuk
Wow they look great! If you would like to share them with others you can export a .xml file in the mods section of your adminCP!
- David