Originally Posted by TsirhCitna
Anyway to include the infraction system as well? I currently use the infraction system to move spammers to a usergroup that isn't banned users but a separate group that has no posting privileges. The spammers seem less likely to register again when they are still able to login even though they can not make any posts.
No, but that sounds like a waste of your time to me. Most spammers are bots so they probably care nothing about what group you put them in, and are even less likely to login or "see" that they can login but not post.
This module blocks bots which will be 80-99% of your spammers, then when you train your Spam-O-Matic Auto-Moderation to your specific needs, your auto-moderation filters will catch the human ones that are stupid enough to try and login to post. The spammers that get past those two checks are checked by Akismet. The ones that get past all of that are determined humans, lucky, or have new techniques. Those users should be reported so make sure to get your API keys.
I don't see much point in moving spammers to a special group. It wastes your time, it wastes database space, it wastes server resources, etc. The only upshot of doing that is to boost member count and that can be done in other ways if you want your boards to look like they have more members.
I may have overlooked something though. Let me know.