Yes I have run mysqltuner. No major issues there. I'll enable mod_status and monitor the apache service.
But as I said, this is not a resource issue. My politics forum of near 500,000 posts which has on average 30 - 40 people connected at any time, flies. As do the other sites on the server.
The load on the server is minimal and the spec is such any site should run fast.
This is what is bugging me about the submit reply on Affiliateguarddog.com. As soon as you hit the reply button, it is entered in the database, and you can see it there using another browser and hitting F5 one second after hitting reply.
Yet the person posting the reply, sticks on the reply screen for up to ten seconds. When for my politics site, hosted on the same server, you are returned to the thread within a second.
Any ideas? Has this problem been encountered before?