Originally Posted by Ranger187
Well since you got pwned in your main post and here. I'll do it again to clarify for you. Since you are not fully understanding.
This is the CHAT plugin. Your post is dealing with VBa which is not this. Your post is also explaining how to get the VBa plugin which LINKS to this CHAT program........ Thus you negate needing think here is where you should clarify about it.... Since Stangger is the one who handles that plugin.
Thanks, come again. 
Thanks for your great explain. I didn't know that he has made something like that, and i have done this trick on my own and i didnt, don't and won't steal his pwned modification. I do it for my self and i just share it to help others and on Vba forums many people use it and we have not such these arguments there. i think the reason is that i work with out any Premeditation.
At the end thanks that you told me and i report it to the staffs and they delete mine and it's over now.
Sorry if i made you think wrong dear friends.